
Exploring the Name, Image and Likeness Legislation Within Collegiate Athletics

head shot of hamilton johnson

Name: Hamilton Johnson
Major: Communication Studies
Advisor: Nii Nikoi

The newly passed Name, Image, and Likeness legislation allows collegiate athletes to benefit financially off of themselves while maintaining their amateur status. Many of these athletes use social media to aid them on their new journey of marketing themselves to the public whether it be through advertisements or sponsorships. Proponents have opinions that they believe that college athletes should be compensated for their play the same as professional athletes. Conversations about student athlete compensation have been around since college sports began to be televised with schools profiting from game attendance and viewers’ traffic. With the new addition of social media being an outlet and avenue for professional athletes to create revenue and brand themselves, it is optimal to research the connection and effect of social media for the economic benefit of the collegiate athlete. To study this matter directly, I conduct semi- structured interviews to allow college athletes themselves to detail exactly how they are benefitting financially from this new legislation. This research found that the college athlete benefits from this legislation through digital labor practices and not just through how well they perform in their sport. 

Keywords: sports celebrity, digital labor practices, self-branding 


Posted in Comments Enabled, Independent Study, Symposium 2022 on April 26, 2022.

3 responses to “Exploring the Name, Image and Likeness Legislation Within Collegiate Athletics”

  1. jillian ness says:

    What an interesting topic! Congrats Ham!!

  2. Kyle windham says:

    Congratulations Ham!!!
    Great topic during this era of marketing oneself.

  3. Rivers says:
